Name * First Name Last Name Practice name * Email * New providers who join the practice complete the Reach Out and Read provider training, as indicated on myROR, within 3 months. * Always Never The site Medical Consultant on staff actively champions the Reach Out and Read program * Yes No Medical providers give books at the beginning of the well-child visits accompanied by anticipatory guidance * Anticipatory guidance is used to provide a contextualized experience for each well child visit. This allows health care providers to guide interactions with the parents and families to connect language, social-emotional, and brain development to actions within the visit. Always Usually Sometimes Never Doesn't Know Books are easily accessible in the clinic and there is an efficient system to ensure the book consistently gets into the providers’ hands prior to the visit * Yes No High quality developmentally- appropriate books are readily available. Where possible, linguistically- and culturally-appropriate books are available * Always Sometimes Never Thank you for completing your Reach Out and Read-Alabama Site Quality Classification.